Saturday, July 5, 2014

Objective, Not Biased & Independence

       Indonesia Presidential Election 2014 only four days away. In four days Indonesian peoples will make a moral choice, in election like no others, with a single piercing of a ballot paper, Indonesians will be required to determine the future of Indonesia. What kind of leader that Indonesians want? We have two solid Presidential candidates, each candidate in the presidential election has qualities in his declared platform. They have been dissected at length the past three weeks. And voters will sway one way or another based on it.  From the bottom of my heart, I hope the peoples Indonesian will choose very carefully, think and rethink before you pierce that ballot paper, because it's a choice on the fate of the nation, our beloved country and our future.

       All this time I keep quiet and try to swallow and processing every aspects of this presidential election, I'm quiet enjoying the process of presidential/vice president candidates about crucial issues that fundamental to our nation, such as economic, national defense, development, environment, etc. Four times of national debating that's help to educated and warm us as an Indonesian, because the two presidential candidates Mr. Prabowo Subianto and Mr.Joko Widodo (Jokowi, still Governor of Jakarta) and their respective vice president candidates seem very care and have lots of BIG PLANS for Indonesia that can make our nation bigger and better. I really do hope they are all sincere loving their country so much, so they will executes all their BIG PLANS if they become the 'ONE' and make our future as a nation, a very happy one.

      All Indonesian peoples are very enthusiast and excited about this presidential election, because the candidates are very respectable and 'BIG' in their own unique way, the peoples divided in two side according their own preferences, the two presidential candidates are neck to neck on various voters survey. That is fine by me, it's natural and acceptable, but what I can't stand the most is, when we watching the news on several TV stations or read some newspapers, they become so obvious taking their side, riding or even endorsing one of  the presidential candidate. They are so biased, not objective, and it seem somebody is stirring them to rise one candidate and smash down the other candidate, through their media, they using their media as an object to manipulate the peoples minds, so they become adoring one particular candidate than the other. I don't need to point out which stations TV endorsing who or which newspaper endorsing who? If we are educated enough, we know for sure and if we have a strong will power and mind, those annoying 'campaign' won't made any different to us. But what about the unfortunate peoples, who need guidance and media education to help them decide their choice, that's a hell of lots misguidance and disabuse of power.

       What happen to the journalism ethics? Don't you feel ashamed and disgrace to manipulate the peoples minds like that? You like Superman who use their power in crime, not fighting it. A journalist has to respect, cultivate and defend the right to information of all people; for these reasons he researches and diffuses every piece of information that he considers of public interest in observance of truth and with a wide accuracy of it.
A journalist researches and spreads news of public interest in spite of the obstacles which can arise in his work; he makes every effort to guarantee people knowledge and control of all public documents. 

      A journalist's responsibility towards people always prevails over any other thing. A journalist can never subordinate his responsibility to other people's interest and particularly to the publishers' interest, government's interest or the interst of the other organizations of the state. A journalist has to respect people, their dignity and right to secrecy and never discriminate against anyone due to his race, his religion, his sex, his mental and physical condition, his political views. Just don't say you are a journalists if you don't know journalism ethics and disobey the journalist principles, back to school and have a long cold shower to wake up your principles and be a responsible journalist, always objective and not biased.

      To my beloved fellow of Indonesians from Sabang to Marauke, don't let the media frenzy and circus cloud our judgement, be independence. Lets use our voice by voting the right president for our country future. Indonesia future is in our hand, use your right mind and heart to guide you deciding the best candidate for Indonesia. Your voice is valuable and your choice decide the fate of our beloved nation. So on July 9th 2014, don't forget to vote for our future president. Vote for candidate that can make our Indonesia prosper, bigger and better. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.

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