My heart aching for the innocent peoples there, how can a bright and intelligent human being that God created, so easily rising their guns and drop bombs to another human being, when you are not even capable of creating even a little ant.
I can't even enjoy talking about second Semi-final match with family, friends or anybody else because how can I ? When at the same time, my thoughts goes to Palestinians children, women and elderly, who can not even out from their houses without guns and other artillery aiming their head like all the time (if the Israeli troops didn't already smashed their houses into pieces by an air strikes). When we dealing with daily trivial things like, work, school, tax, traffic jams, foods, sport or movies, their daily are tears, bloods, bombs, hospitals, friends and relatives burial. Should we watch this over and over again without doing anything, can you sleep peacefully at night when you know these things? It's not right to stand on the sidelines when you know you can save a child from being hit by a truck.
There this so called leader of the World said that 'we should put our self in their shoes' (he talked about Israel-Palestine conflict). Well Mr. 'Leader', if you are on their shoes, you probably already dead by an air strike or loose all your families and now you wait foods and water from the UN, who can't even act right about this conflicts, or maybe you'll be the one whose dropping bombs from air or give them funds to gain more bombs, take a pick Mister, which shoes you so badly want it?. I says, Stop talking, writing, put hash-tag on your tweets (your hash-tag won't stop Israel doing those evil things) or other surreal things.
Put your words into actions, if you knew your country where you live in, help Israel doing those horrible things happen to Palestinians, you have an obligation to act and prevent it, make petitions to your government, protests, etc. It also wrong and shameful, if we know that our beloved country use our tax money to funds Israel or other bully country to buy or provide Israel with military artilery that kills hundreds of peoples (the money that made us work very hard and lessen our times to be with our family, friends and love one), the money that you hope to make all useful things that will make sure you and your family live easier, better and secured in your country hand, instead your country miss use it to drawn bloods in other peoples country and make your hands stain with bloods even without you realizing it. It's disgraceful and hurtful to do nothing about it. It's your money, you have a right to act on it, make your government STOP to act as a BULLY SPONSOR.
Dear Arabic country in the Middle East, why don't you act as one and help your suffering neighbor, Palestine to make the 'Bully' go away and let Palestinians live peacefully in their homeland. You know all those peace talks 'bullshits' won't work, it never works for years now and you knew you CAN'T hope the UN to do something about it because they have the puppets master who play their strings and you know very well whose their puppets master is. Stop being ignorance and open your eyes, heart and mind. Do what's right not what other 'Leaders' told you to. You know by heart that you can do better and make it right, why don't you just do that?
For other countries and peoples around the World (that's including me and my beloved country), let's do something what we can, let's donates to rebuild, medicines, foods supplies, waters, send medical staff or send troops if you want to. What really important is ACT not stand to watch from the sidelines. Sometimes I wonder, do all Israeli born without their hearts? and their brain partially dead, so they can easily kills innocent children and women without any remorse and burden in their heart and mind at all. Or maybe they all born with a purpose or goal in their mind to destroyed and dismantled Palestine? Israeli wake up and washed your tainted hearts, minds and hands from bloods. STOP destroying anything on your reach, be a compassion country. Embrace your humanity and start thinking about peace and made your heart and soul at ease.
Dear Palestinians, I can't imagine,how hard it must be for all of you, while here's we can do fasting in Ramadhan peacefully, you must struggle to stay alive and saw everything around you destroyed. Please stay strong, protects your children, women and everyone that need to be protected, stand tall in your homeland, fight with all your might, don't let the 'BIG BULLY' cast you away from your home country, may God help you in every way. My thoughts, heart, tears and prayers goes to you. Peoples of the World, let's ACT, ACT NOW with what we can. Let be peace upon all of us, say NO to WAR and TERRORISM.
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