I used to watch TV a lot, when all the show not corny or cheesy and really ugly, bad for your eyes, head and your health in general. Bad TV shows can make you throw up all week and give you the creep, make poor people poor, uneducated people still uneducated and make you wondering, what would our younger TV viewers become when they grow up with bad TV shows?
As Indonesian citizen, I'm well aware of bad TV shows that unfortunately happen everyday in almost every National TV stations that you can watch free from your home. Hypnotizing certain people so they can share their deepest secrets with viewers and some cheesy background singer serenade them to the dream land. Why don't you go to a shrink? or write a diary or share it on your social media account!. There is also this dancing show, where all the studio audience & crews dancing like crazy to a certain song with one particular dancing leader in front of them lead 'the circus'. It's OK if it only happen one a month or one a week to release your stress and have fun in some point, but do you have to do that every single day ?! on TV? in prime time slot? Don't you get bore? Is there no other way to entertain people and make it smart with a beautiful package show? No? Well, get creative! Do better! I'm sick of it and I'm afraid Indonesian people drown to shallow & meaningless behavior.
Those Gossip shows that you called Infotainment are bullshit! Why we want to know this stupid lawyer cheat with another stupid lawyer wife? Why you gave your audiences, some middle artist teenage child goes to beauty parlor & let her tell about her recent love life? She's not even a good singer, her voice is awful & why should we care? Or about Dangdut artist that have conflict with her former husband and tried to rise her child alone? Do we have to know all about that? Well FYI, Infotainment is information-based media content or programming that also includes
entertainment content in an effort to enhance popularity with audiences
and consumers, such as when certain artist release their album, movie star, producer, director, etc. talking about their latest movie or other entertainment promotes their activities that can attract public interest. Not Cheesy or Corny & unimportant details about not so well known wannabe celebrity.
Don't let me start with the not so humble and unimportant sinetron (Sinema Elektronik) or Indonesian TV series that shows everyday (not every week like every normal TV shows in the world), unrealistic story, never ending story, unprofessional actors, bad improvisation, bad direction, bad taste, etc.
Well, maybe I'm just insatiable, grumpy and like to complain TV audience, but I did it with pure intention of wanting TV shows esp. in Indonesia, suitable 4 all viewers with important, educated, interesting and entertaining all the same time. To all TV shows producers and all important TV peoples, please safe our precious generation with good TV shows, just like Peter Parker's uncle said in one of Spiderman movie : 'With great power comes great responsibility', well you have that power guys, you can control it. So please STOP feed us with BAD TV shows!!!
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