Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Let's Hunt Down The Kids Predators!

       It's getting worse, the news about the kids predators among us is just the tip of the iceberg. The cases keep piling up & I got goosebumps all over me. The one who should protect the kids, they become the kids hunter, it's crazy & give me the creeps. In Medan, North Sumatra of Indonesia, there is a father who molested his own toddler daughter, she's not even 2 years old. According to the local police, the father is an Army, what kind of Army did that evil thing? Even some real animal won't do that to their babies! Most of Animals just got instinct to guide them not fully work brain like humans have, so are you sure you got your brain Mr. Child Molester? or you left it in your mom's womb when you were born?

          In Aceh, there is this bastard policeman who molested several elementary school students, the victims is more than 5 and it can goes up if the victims brave enough to come up. Junior High kids, kidnapped them for weeks by their social media friend while they meet up and they rape the kids, sometimes gang up rape, it's scary & devastating. Ooh.. how my eyes is sore of crying & my heart is break in peaces for those children, please GOD, don't let those children suffer more, let them get lots and lots of love and GOD, let's the predators get lots and lots HELL on Earth & After they are dead.

          Even Dead penalty is not good enough for the kids predators, let them root in jail first, so their inmates can do the same all those evil things that they did to the children. An eye for an eye... and so on. I have a wish for Indonesian Government to Act fast and punish the predators with all your might, don't give them any possibility to escape. Please.. put all their faces in all available media, prints or electronics, put in every city corner and all Police Department and every department in Government websites. So every Indonesian citizen even the World, know their faces, let us be aware to these predators, so we can protect our children. Don't let them get a breathing space, not even an inch. Lets protect the kids & punish the predators. They hunt the weakest link, let us hunt them down, one by one until they extinct!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


        I do not have kids of my own yet but I hope one day I have 1 or 2 of my own. But I do have nieces though and they are cute & cuddly, bright your day when you meet and play with them. What's not to like from children? They are great to play with, we can dress them to our liking until they can demand to choose their own liking, they are cute, cuddly, have infectious laugh, what they do sometimes make us want to laugh out loud and they are mini version of their parents (OK,if the parents not so lovable in personality traits, we still can mold them with good parenting and good institution. Kids have their own personalities, not always like their parents or grandparents).
         Lets be fair here, children also can annoyed you, they are noisy, nosy, drools a lot, they can make your home messy (not FC Barcelona football player;). Kids have bladder problems that need special care, need to feeds and they can asked you endless questions about anything and gave you the headache of the month. But that are just trivial things and nothing compare to the pleasure that we've got by having them around us. Children are our future, it's our job to take care & protect them from all bad things that could happen to them.
        But, what if the protectors become the predators that endanger the children and make them lost their smile, laugh & their future. In Indonesia, there's a latest case about kindergarten kid of prestigious school in Indonesia, JIS (Jakarta International School) had been molested by the cleaning service crews in the school toilet. Sadly the 6 years old boy traumatized by the incident and the police investigators indicated that there are other victims among the students. For elite school like JIS, that have layers security almost like an airport security check, it's turn out their own staff who made the destruction, 'the fences eat the plants', so scary. Where are the teachers or staff who guide this children when they want to use toilet, shouldn't they watch them, because it's kindergarten kids that we're talking about, a little bigger than toddlers, why you let them walking around unattended?
        I hate kids predators, whatever their disguise are. Child Abuser, Child Molesters, kidnappers or the people who are using child as their way of making money through every single way they can think about. There are a lot of cases that happen made me throw up and torn my heart because the victims are innocent children. The child abuser, who made 4 years old boy full of bruises in his body and comatose in hospital, this kid is his ex girlfriend son that he kidnapped and made the kid to worked by singing in street corner. He beat the kid if the kid can't get the money that he expected. What kind of monster who did that? Are we gonna sit around while these monsters of kids predators, make our children suffered?.

       What make me more angry is the punishments for this predators are not enough to make them stop or suffered so they never do it again. I want them to hole up in prison and live like there be no happy thoughts left in their mind, so every time they think about kids, their brain will think about lots of pain & endless regrets! Governments, Law enforcers, and people with high power around the globe, please do something about this, make them pay hard, don't let these kids predators ruin our beloved children, our future. DO Something! And DO IT FAST, so those horrible things that make the innocent children as the victims, won't happen again. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

For kids predators around the world, I wish you all living like hell on earth and when your time is come to face death, GOD will send you straight to burn in HELL!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Raid 2 : Berandal

       It's almost 3 weeks ago, I went to the nearest Cinema on my neighborhood with my sister, we've been waiting this movie to arrived because we really enjoy The Raid : Redemption (The First Raid) and we're craving for more. So after we arrived a day after The Premiere of 'The Raid 2 : Berandal', I was shocked because the lines to watch the movie is long & unappealing (2 theater played 'The Raid 2 : Berandal' from 10 available theater there but people keep lining up like snakes in mating season), it almost made me want to go home and hole up in front of TV and swear to watch football forever. But I said to myself and my sister that "People come to watch this movie because it's got good review and social media spread it even more. So they want to prove it or like us, they enjoy the first one and they come for the second, let's get in line and see for our self ".
       Why am I still talking about the movie that I watched almost 3 weeks ago? Because I can't get that 'bloodie' movie out of my head, I keep remembering the fast, cool and beautifully choreographed fights scene. Sometimes it made me winced, screamed and it's wowed me along the movie. The mass brawl in the rainy, muddy prison yard was great. The car chase were intense and flawless. The kitchen fight was incredible. There is certain numbers of people said that the film could have cut 30 or 20 minutes off the running time but I didn't even realize the times flies during the film, it got a decent plot, I was actually leaned forward on my chair, totally on edge. For global audiences of 'The Raid 2 : Berandal' make sure you got good subtitles, so you've got nothing to complain about and remember, badly dubbed version of the movie, only make you laugh!
       Gareth Evans is definitely the best action/martial art movie maker on planet earth to me, because 'The Raid 2 : Berandal' so far is the best action films I have ever seen and I have seen a lots!. Gareth Evans set out to make a film that would be "Bigger. Better. Bloodier" than the first. That was his mission statement on his Twitter in February of last year. Well Congratulations Mr. Evans, Mission Accomplished!

       Strongly CAUTION : This Film is definitely NOT for the faint heart people. Do NOT take your girlfriend or boyfriend to watch this Film, not healthy for the relationships and your wallet ^_^, unless they asked for it. Action, Thriller Movie lovers, happy watching. Damn, weekend still 3 days away and I want to watch it again.    


       Every couple of month I try to read at least 1 good book. It doesn't matters how many unimportant, good to laugh, turn you on, gibberish, good for nothing, etc. other books that you also read to pass the times but I need one good book. The book that make you feel good about yourself, give you new challenge to think outside the box, insight, make you think and realize something or just simply give you facts that you unaware about until you read it and give you a life lesson on the spot.
        Every individual have different preferences of good book, for me all of the above is my criteria. Last weekend I just finish a book 'Sing Me To Sleep' by Angela Morrison (Oh how I wish I had my book signed by her). At first I thought this book gonna be light reading and I have no high hope to this book, just another ordinary high school story through the eyes of choirs girl. Well after finished reading it, I shed my tears (I'm the kind of girl that rarely shed tears, when my team loose bad maybe) because nothing ordinary about this book, Angela's really good at portraying the life of a choirs group and International Choirs Competition and she got me hooked to Beth, Derek & Scott story until the last page. When I read 'Sing Me To Sleep', I really wish I can hear the songs that they sing harmoniously with beautiful lyrics all around.
       I want to recommend 'Sing Me To Sleep for absolutely everyone! I don't even really know how to put it into words all the reasons why you should read it, but you'll understand if you read it. Well what do I know, my extraordinary reading of the month come from ordinary assumption, how shallow of me. Apparently I forgot an old expression 'Don't Judge The Book Only By It's Cover'. So... Sing Me To Sleep.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Jangan Beri Kami Harapan Palsu!

       Khusus untuk kali ini, saya akan mencoba menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dalam tulisan saya. Walaupun tulisan bahasa Inggris saya juga grammar-nya masih kacau tapi saya tetap berusaha percaya diri nulis demi terus memperbaiki bahasa Inggris saya. Sekarang demi masyarakat Indonesia yang kemarin baru berpesta demokrasi 'Pemilu' dan karena saya luar dalam, asli orang Indonesia maka saya akan berbahasa Indonesia (for foreign people who read and get curious, grab an Indonesian dictionary and try to follow ^_^.), Pe-De banget, padahal yang baca juga enggak ada, haha.. (anyway foreigners, it's not hard to learn Indonesian & love Indonesia eventually).

      Kembali ke topik pesta demokrasi alias pemilu yang diselenggarakan serentak di seluruh penjuru Indonesia (karena ada beberapa daerah yang masih belum melaksanakannya karena satu dan lain hal, seperti di Yahukimo, Papua karena ada kecelakaan pesawat yang membawa logistik pemilu sehingga pemilu harus ditunda). Sebagai warga negara yang baik, tentu saja saya juga berangkat ke TPS (Tempat Pemungutan Suara) di tempat saya tinggal untuk memilih wakil saya di DPRD dan DPR Republik Indonesia (RI) tercinta. Sampai di TPS ternyata sudah ramai dengan masyarakat yang antusias menyalurkan hak suaranya, sungguh warga yang baik.
       Sebagai orang yang terekspos dengan era internet dan jarang ketinggalan berita, saya tentu sudah konsul ke 'mbah Google dan baca semua yang perlu saya ketahui tentang pemilu  sehingga saya tahu siapa caleg (Calon Legislatif) yang akan saya coblos.Tapi kebanyakan masyarakat yang datang ke TPS yang terdiri dari buruh pabrik, ibu rumah tangga, pelajar serta pekerja lepas, mereka banyak yang buta dengan caleg yang mereka pilih, mereka hanya tahu segelintir orang yang sepertinya merasa diri mereka adalah mahluk kiriman Tuhan. Segelintir orang ini tiba-tiba 'berbaik hati' membagikan sembako, mengadakan pengobatan gratis, fogging untuk mengusir nyamuk penyebab DBD sampai membagikan uang untuk jajan agar warga tidak lupa untuk memilih mereka pada pemilu ini.
       Di TPS saya lihat banyak warga yang berkerumun di depan papan yang memampang contoh-contoh kertas pemilu beserta daftar partai dan caleg yang bisa mereka pilih. Mereka memperhatikan dan mempelajari dengan seksama kertas-kertas itu seolah seluruh hidup mereka bergantung pada kertas-kertas itu. Tiba-tiba hati saya merasa pedih karena hidup mereka termasuk saya dan seluruh bangsa Indonesia 5 tahun ke depan bergantung pada orang-orang yang dalam foto yang terpampang di papan itu. Caleg-caleg inilah yang akan mewakili warga dalam pemerintahan, mereka akan membuat undang-undang atau menentang peraturan yang akan di buat penguasa negeri ini yang akan mempermudah atau mempersulit hidup mereka yang sudah sulit.
Andai caleg-caleg itu tahu dan mau melihat betapa besar harapan warga untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik, apakah mereka akan berhenti mengambil dan mencuri dari masyarakat? merugikan negara dengan korupsi berjama'ah dan mengkhianati kepercayaan masyarakat. Akankah hati nurani mereka benar-benar terketuk melihat sekolah-sekolah yang relatif baru ambruk karena dananya di gerogoti tikus-tikus rakus nan kotor berlabel koruptor.
      Bagi saya koruptor lebih parah dari teroris! Koruptor adalah psikopat pembunuh berantai yang berdarah dingin. Mereka mengkhianati negara, masyarakat, mencuri namun bermanis muka di depan umum. Kenapa saya bilang pembunuh, karena dampak dari korupsi banyak menyebabkan kematian baik secara langsung maupun tidak, coba bayangkan berapa banyak masyarakat yang mati kelaparan karena dana kesejahteraan dan kesehatan mereka di curi, berapa banyak yang mati dari gedung-gedung yang ambruk karena dana di korupsi. Banyak fasilitas umum dan kesejahteraan yang bisa ditingkatkan apabila koruptor sukses di berantas, tapi mungkinkah? 
       Untuk para koruptor, berhenti sekarang sebelum terlambat, berbalik arahlah dan lakukan yang benar, berhenti memberi makan keluargamu dengan uang haram. Apa yang kalian dapat dari uang yang melimpah tapi kalian tahu pasti itu bukan benar-benar hasil kerja keras kalian tapi boleh 'nilep', apa kalian merasa bangga? sukses? luar biasa? karena bisa membeli semua benda & hal yang bisa terpikirkan. Nikmati selagi bisa, karena berapa lama kalian pikir kalian bisa hidup dan bersenang-senang di dunia? Kalian tidak akan hidup selamanya, ada lubang di tanah yang siap menjadi rumahmu jika waktunya tiba Tuhan memanggil plus di Indonesia masih ada KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) yang terus berburu tikus-tikus rakus yang berbau busuk. Jadi caleg-caleg serta petinggi negara beserta aparatur negara tercinta, berhenti memberi rakyat harapan palsu, penuhi janji-janji kalian semasa kampanye kepada rakyat, berbuat baik serta bekerja keraslah bersama masyarakat demi Indonesia yang lebih sejahtera dan bahagia, niscaya Tuhan juga akan menyejahterakan serta membahagiakan kalian.

BOOM... The Red Devils Burn & Drown.

       The Red Devils, we all know & loved had packed their bag from The Champions League Competition today, their crashed hard against FC Bayern Muenchen, The Red Devils lost 3-1 with total aggregate 4-2, MU definitely been sack by Muenchen. It's sad, but FC. Bayern Muenchen really deserve to win, their hard work, team work, focus & determination is paid well, they dictated The Red Devils a.k.a MU through the game & the ball possession they had is more than 60 %.
       So, although MU is leading the goal from Patrice Evra in second half, in less than a minute Mandzukic made Muenchen even the score. The deed is done & after that goal MU had big blow & Muenchen getting more confidence to pursued more goals, Muller & Robben get Muenchen lead the way to victory & Champions League Semi Final for Muenchen.
       I guess the Glory for The Red Devils that I've been waiting for them to regain is still out of their reach this season, it's like David Moyes is pulling MU drown along with himself this season. The sky is pitch black for Moyes & MU, no titles at all for Red Devils this season. I wonder weather the higher voice in Manchester United is going to play it cool & wait for something good to happen to the team & they will wait and stand side by side with Moyes, until his 6 years contract is end. Isn't it enough is enough? Whatever, I think the fans is not going to stand back & watch their beloved Red Devils to sunk in any further, they will want Moyes to out of the picture soon. Let's see, who will stand still in the end.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Waiting The Red Devils to Glory Again

       I love football, very much (real football, NOT American football! They wrongly named their sport football while most of the game they carried the ball with their hand! They tainted the sacred of football). Football save me from boredom and give me rush of adrenalin, every time great match was on. For me football is art, where the final product is a goal or the result of the match and the process of a goal is a creation of art, the footballers skill in dribbling, juggling and control the ball in their feet while their run across the field and tried to avoid the opponent team players who tried to steal the ball, that art rarely fail to excite me. But lately, thinking about football is annoyed me & give me panic attack sometimes.
       As one of football hardcore fan since I was a kid, I have favorite team that I adored & idolized, non other than Manchester United a.k.a The Red Devils, one of the most widely supported football teams in the world. Well, what not to love, Manchester United have won 20 League titles, a record 11 FA Cups, 4 League Cups, and 20 FA Community Shields. The club has also won 3 European Cups, 1 UEFA Cup Winners' Cup, 1 UEFA Super Cup, 1 Intercontinental Cup, and 1 FIFA Club World Cup. In 1998-99, the club won a continental treble of the Premier League, the FA Cup and the UEFA Champions League, an unprecedented feat for an English club.
       With all that shiny Trophy and layers of top players such as Van Persie, Rooney, Juan Mata, De Gea, Ferdinand, Evra, Kagawa, Hernandez, Giggs, etc. The Red Devils is having disappointment 2013-2014 season, defeat after defeat wore them down in the middle rank of EPL (English Premier League). I know the season is not over yet, but The Red Devils as defending champion of EPL has no chance to regaining the title this season. It sad and broke my heart to watch my beloved United crumbling down this season and I think I know whose to blame on this one.
       Well in my point of view, it started with the departed of a Grandpa we all loved and adored, nope not Santa & definitely not the Chicken Recipe Grandpa but Grandpa Sir Alex Ferguson. After he retired as Manchester United club Manager, MU going down hill in David Moyes hand, former Everton Manager. I understand Sir Alex need a rest and step back after 26 years devoting his life to The Red Devils and help MU gained lots of trophy & made MU as one of the top football club in the world, thank you Sir Alex. But why oh why doesn't need much time for Moyes to ruin MU reputation into dust, the other club not look MU as a thread anymore but a laughing stock.
  But every dark cloud has it silver lining I guess, The Red Devils still have hope this season to gain UEFA Champions League title if they can win against 2013-2014 Bundesliga Champion, FC Bayern Munchen, tough match will be held on April 9th 2014. Not an easy task to defeat such a Top A level club like Munchen, more over they are on their best performance this season and they have 'Magical' Pep Guardiola as their Team Manager not Moyes like MU have! If The Red Devils can win against Munchen (Big IF), there still Semi Final (Home & Away) and Final match to face. Definitely not an easy task for The Red Devils.
       As a fan I'm still hoping & waiting The Red Devils to Glory again, like it used to be. Lots of shiny trophy, lots of happy shout and happy tears for fans around the world. No more sad tears and ongoing 'nightmares' of always losing the battle, even from second class football club. Please do the best you can do my precious Red Devils, regain your Glory, start with win on Tuesday against Muenchen and keep wining until the Glory back in your hand & keep it there. The fans around the Globe will be cheering, praying & waiting The Red Devils to Glory again.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

STOP Feed us with BAD TV Shows!!!

       I used to watch TV a lot, when all the show not corny or cheesy and really ugly, bad for your eyes, head and  your health in general. Bad TV shows can make you throw up all week and give you the creep, make poor people poor, uneducated people still uneducated and make you wondering, what would our younger TV viewers become when they grow up with bad TV shows?
       As Indonesian citizen, I'm well aware of bad TV shows that unfortunately happen everyday in almost every National TV stations that you can watch free from your home. Hypnotizing certain people so they can share their deepest secrets with viewers and some cheesy background singer serenade them to the dream land. Why don't you go to a shrink? or write a diary or share it on your social media account!. There is also this dancing show, where all the studio audience & crews dancing like crazy to a certain song with one particular dancing leader in front of them lead 'the circus'. It's OK if it only happen one a month or one a week to release your stress and have fun in some point, but do you have to do that every single day ?! on TV? in prime time slot? Don't you get bore? Is there no other way to entertain people and make it smart with a beautiful package show? No? Well, get creative! Do better! I'm sick of it and I'm afraid Indonesian people drown to shallow & meaningless behavior.
       Those Gossip shows that you called Infotainment are bullshit! Why we want to know this stupid lawyer cheat with another stupid lawyer wife? Why you gave your audiences, some middle artist teenage child goes to beauty parlor & let her tell about her recent love life? She's not even a good singer, her voice is awful & why should we care? Or about Dangdut artist that have conflict with her former husband and tried to rise her child alone? Do we have to know all about that? Well FYI, Infotainment is  information-based media content or programming that also includes entertainment content in an effort to enhance popularity with audiences and consumers, such as when certain artist release their album, movie star, producer, director, etc. talking about their latest movie or other entertainment promotes their activities that can attract public interest. Not Cheesy or Corny & unimportant details about not so well known wannabe celebrity.

       Don't let me start with the not so humble and unimportant sinetron (Sinema Elektronik) or Indonesian TV series that shows everyday (not every week like every normal TV shows in the world), unrealistic story, never ending story, unprofessional actors, bad improvisation, bad direction, bad taste, etc.
      Well, maybe I'm just insatiable, grumpy and like to complain TV audience, but I did it with pure intention of wanting TV shows esp. in Indonesia, suitable 4 all viewers with important, educated, interesting and entertaining all the same time. To all TV shows producers and all important TV peoples, please safe our precious generation with good TV shows, just like Peter Parker's uncle said in one of Spiderman movie : 'With great power comes great responsibility', well you have that power guys, you can control it. So please STOP feed us with BAD TV shows!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Watchout 4 the Lazy and Slow Virus

         What will you do, if you meet someone who slow you down with their slow pace of everything they do? Eat so slow when you already eat all your food, dish, spoon and fork. They walk so slow like they move in slow motion and all you want to do is throw peanuts at them so they can feel like an elephants in the zoo.
         Or maybe you should meet lazy people, well they almost like slow people but the different is the slow people, they still want to do something only in snail pace and the lazy people, they just don't want to do anything outside their comfort zone. Lazy always delays anything, including their own obligation and then some fools with impatient personality will do what the Lazy or Slow people should do because they can't stand anymore. Wow, look at that, the Lazy & Slow people just got a reward, they don't have to do their tasks anymore because somebody already done that 4 them!
          Maybe, they just pretend to be slow so other people with faster DNA can do their tasks 4 them, is that a new shiny word of lazy? Damn you lazy & slow people! You make energetic, passionate, lively people drain with you around them.
         This is a WARNING for all normal people who have lazy & slow people around them, just avoid them as much as you can like they are a Deadly Virus, seriously they can bring your mood down, crush your happy place. They make you questioning your self, am I to fast? am I that impatient? is that Snail or Turtle walking beside me? When the Lazy & Slow virus get in to you, you'll hate yourself even more for letting that happen to you.
         Lazy & Slow people, try to keep up your pace, will you? make our day & your day a little bit brighter, don't you want to joint Boston Marathon or Tour de France sometimes? Just one more thing Lazy & Slow people, just stay the hell out of me, or your regret it for the rest of your snail pace life. Have you watch one of Brad Pitt Old Movie, Seven? Well Sloth is one of them, don't you think?.
            Pace up guys, come on it's 2014 already the 4th month, you can do it if you really want to. But if you want to keep your pace, do it on your own time, not when lots of other people is connect to you, do us a favor, stop your bad habit and move a little faster, be positive and brighten our world.