Friday, August 29, 2014

Special Need Children Are Special

A couple weeks back, I had a special chance having close contact and interacted, play with and teaching children under 5 years old in one of prestigious school in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia (I’m not sure, I’m allowed to mention the school name but it’s a great school with a great school programs and I’m glad I had that chance). They all are healthy, adorable, smart and beautiful children with slightly different personalities and attitudes, unique in their own way. Although it just for three days, but it was a wonderful opportunities that I can play, teach, sing and learn with all of them. 

Among the children in two classes that I was in, there is one child in every class that has special needs among nine other regular children. In the morning class, there was this boy, let’s call him Ray (not his real name) and in the afternoon class there was Dan (also not his real name). Ray is an autistic boy and he have other problem that I forget, what the name was called when one of his teacher told me and Dan is a down syndrome boy with a lot of smile on his face. I’m not an expert with special needs kids, in fact that was my first experience getting to know them, play with them, learn with them and also observed them on my own way. 

Ray is very difficult to get close with; he doesn’t like to be touch, uncomfortable when we invading his space, doesn’t like crowd and he screamed out loud if we try to take his hand and ask him to play and learn with other kids. From the conversation that I had with his teacher, Ray doesn’t live with his parents, only his grandma and the helper to assist her and his parents work in other town and only have occasional contact with him. So with Ray, it was like having one step forward and two steps backward in teaching him, always a challenge. On the other hand Dan was all smiley although sometimes a little bit shy, easy to trust new people, understand orders, he can share, play and learn with other kids in harmony although we need to teach and guide him with extra care but it’s manageable.

I saw Dan interact with his parents after school hours or before the school started, how his parents shown their tender loving care to their son and treat him wisely and patiently although they know his not normal like his other friends, they know that they have special son and he need extra care from his parents especially, sometimes helps from the peoples around him and his surroundings. Then something hit me, it was enlighten me, what made Dan more advance and easier to approach and teach than Ray although they both are special needs kids is because Dan is never lack in TLC (Tender Loving Care) department from his parents and peoples around him, unlike Ray, he only have his old, over tired grandma to turn into and sometimes his parents come and go. Unlike Ray, Dan is a happy child, he knows that he is loved and it made him confident, approachable and easier to adapt. I’m not saying that Ray parents doesn’t love him they way he should but I thought they don’t show him enough and his grandma shouldn’t have that burden all by herself in her old age.

Children are God gift to their parents. Through children, parents can get happiness, they can learns a lot more of life lessons, and although probably our children is not as perfect or healthy like others children, maybe its God ways to give the special needs children parents special points to get reward in heaven when the time comes to all of us to meet God. Because the special needs children need special and extra care from their parents and it’s not an easy task to do and God never give problems that cannot be solved by the peoples. It’s not easy to be different like Ray or Dan and more over to be their parents, lots of hard work, patience, loves and understanding to handle all things. I’m sure God will give them special guidance and assistance to through it all plus give them special place in heaven for their efforts because special needs children are truly special, more over in God eyes.

I admire and respect parents like Dan's parents, I hope most of parents in the world like them, patience, full loves and support for their children, so their children will grow to the best of their ability with their guidance. The world will be a better place to live in with lots of happy children than unhappy children with a stream of tears in their cheeks. Show your TLC to your children parents, because they need it, in fact we all need some TLC. Love your children and your children will love you unconditionally.

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