Monday, December 9, 2013

Aung Sang Suu Kyi, is she really Genuine?

       First of all, the most important thing I would write, before I anywhere near mention the title name, I would like to say thank you for the real Hero of the World, he was walk a long journey to fight against Racism, Colonialism & other Injustice acts to human without violence, Mr. Nelson Mandela may you rest in peace & may your great deeds blossom in millions of young generations, so there be no Racism, Colonialism, Violence & other Injustice acts against all mankind.You were true inspiration Mr. Mandela.
       Not long after Mr. Mandela passed away, many leaders from many nations in the World & residence of the World said their deepest condolences 4 loosing such a great person that genuinely want freedom & peace. Aung Sang Suu Kyi is one of many great name that have big influence in World Society had said her deepest sympathy & how sad she was to loose Mr. Mandela, and she said how great Mandela was, etc.. etc. Well, while I saw her on TV babbling about how Mr. Mandela fight hard against Racism, that he was a Hero, etc, I can't help wondering is this Women, Aung Sang Suu Kyi sincere? is she genuine? stating all that without tripping her tongue. How dare she said about racism, while she also a racist, I thought.
       I know she have many Awards & Achievements from around the world, most of them for striving to
attain democracy, human rights & ethnic conciliation by peaceful means, so why with all that shiny awards & achievements she keep silence on the 2012 Rakhine State Riots & she told reporters she did not know if the Rohingya could be regarded as Burmese Citizens. Well Citizen or not you can let your government treat Rohingya Ethnic like animals, with restrictions on their movement and withholding of land rights, education and public service. They even won't blink an eye to kill those innocent peoples, don't you have a say in all that Miss Aung? Do you think, you have right to accepts that many awards for human rights, when there is no human rights to Rohingya Peoples in your beloved country. Human are human, no matters what colors they are or what religion they believe. As long as human have a heart, blood & flesh, they are important, no matters what. So, what your heart really tell you about all this Miss Aung Sang Suu Kyi? Are you really Genuine?

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