Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Important of Unimportant

         It's weird that April is my favorite month of the year but I failed to post more than one articles, it's pathetic I know, but this month seems a lot of let down for me and that's why I can't find something good to share.I don't want to write about stupid terrorists who thought they are above law and above God and have a licence to kill, it's disgusting what you do, again, if your life really that pathetic and you want to end it, just kill your self and bring your terrorist friends along, have a 'blast' but leave the innocents alone! 

         The Bombs, the shooting, earthquake in Japan & Equador, refugees across the Globe, all of that is big words and important but that's too heavy for me this months to write about, I wish, soon we will have better and happier solution for everybody and those problems, amen. I want to write something simple and make my day like how great it was to watch Java Jazz 2016 or How excited I got when CNBLUE (one of my favorite band from Korea) released their album on my birthday (April 4th) or how my beloved country finally have F1 racer who compete this year, Rio Haryanto and after I post this article, I will be watching him compete from home (OK it's not as cool as watching it live from Russia but hey the spirit to give him support is what count ;) GO Rio!!

         Those trivial things feel trivial and unimportant but it's a life line and can make your grey days become brighter, it's like reading romance book with the cheesy and typical title such as " Mistress to a Greek's Billionaires", etc ( is it any left offer billionaires in Greek after financial collapse in Greek? Kidding, hey if Indonesia can revive after their economic catastrophic back in 1998 so is Greek I'm sure).  My point is those kind of books cheesy as they might be, it's give you hope that there is a happy ending in every story and life is not always suck, it's depends on you handle it. If life give you lemon, make lemonade. If life give you oranges make a means orange juice and put a little spirit in it and drink it to lift your spirit and make the best of your life.

        I'm not hard to please, I don't need jet-setting around the Globe to the exotic places around the world or diamonds or cool clothes, bag or shoes with price tag that can float a small country for a month. Give me a good book, a great music, movies or great sport entertainment, I'm good to go. That's may seems unimportant to you but it help me sane and float my boat whenever I feel life weight me down, although cruising to Bali beaches and snorkling in Raja Ampat is definitely really cool and invigorating ^_^. What about you? What make your boat to float? 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Teenage Sexual Offender!

      I'm angry, mad, totally full of rage right now but I don't know to channeled my anger without punching people but writing, so I'll punch hard through my writing! What's wrong with Indonesia really? Sometimes I don't understand my country anymore. What's going through its people mind? What make them ignorant with their surrounding and environment? Heck, they didn't even realize when a bomb maker / terrorist rent a house nearby! What make them neglecting their children and choosing their television or gadgets than paying attention to what's matters in their life. It's alright if it just affect their own life, uncool but hey that's your life but if it's affecting a lot of people life, don't you think you must do something about it before 'the picture perfect' getting uglier by the day?!!

       What the hell are you doing parents?! Why you didn't realize your children are the victims of child sexual predator? And the more ironic in this heartbreking, gut wrenching and hairs tearing story is, the offender is still a teenager, no more than 14 years old! The victims are more than ten children and the numbers still can go up. Most cases like this, the victims numbers are just the tip of an iceberg. This horrifying case happens in Garut, West Java of Indonesia. Again, I want to ask you parents and adults especially who live nearby the area, what were you doing all that time? There was more than one victims admitted that they been victimized at least 7 times! Why you not know this? How come you failed to see the signs in your own child?! (this question is for both parents of the victims and the offender).

       There must be some changes in your children behaviour, sometimes they become more timid, more quiet, afraid to play outside the house, scared when somebody touch them, etc. Ok, let's say that I'm too harsh and I don't know anything about raising children because I don't have one yet and let's say both parents busy at work so they must hired a full time nanny, but you do have contact with your children on daily basis right?! (Shamed on you if you not!). If you do and pay attention you'll see the signs. The victims are just elementary students under 10 years old for God Sake; they even didn't understand the meaning of sexually molested! 

       The case became known because one of the victims asked his mom about the meaning of terms 'sexually molested' that the infotainment host mention on TV about one of Indonesian celebrity (Did the parents get extra credit for paying attention to celebrity gossips than their own child?!) and after his mom explained it, he told her that somebody did those things to him too. Sadly, after the police investigated, it turn out the victim is not just one but a lot and the offender too still a minor, a 14 years old boy.

        Parents and adults, I know I'm being harsh but what those children going through is harsher, they are terrified, traumatized, fearful and we all are supposed to care for them and protect them and we failed them. Please...please...please... STOP being ignorant. Look for the signs! Don't be silent, speak for them, you can make a difference. Empower your children and educate them on the dangers of sexual predators. Tell them the different of a good touch and a bad touch, tell them about what was right and what was wrong and so on. Every child has the right to be educated and protected against all forms of violence! People ask, "How can a person abuse a child?" and we should ask, "How can so many 'GOOD' people NOT do anything about it?" ___.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Forget Gadget!

       This isn't a statement of regret because I forget to bring my entire gadget wherever I go. This is a suggestion from me to you all or a dare (if you prefer to called it that way), to forget about your gadgets or ignore it or you give your gadgets (that's including your sore thumbs, eyes and ears) a day off. Use that time off to reconnect yourself with what important in your life like family, friends, neighbors, etc. Connect yourself with real peoples, people you can talk with while you can see their sincerity in their eyes, you can see the corner of their eyes and lip wrinkled when their smiled. People you can touch, hug and pat while you laugh with them, not someone who posts fancy pictures every 10 minutes with sophisticated tagline. Just connect yourself with good honest people around you, people whom sometimes we ignore a lot when we focused to chat with someone on our social media through our gadgets.

       This thing about gadgets was in my head since forever but I don't know why I haven't written it until today. Maybe it because of what happen a couple day ago when me, my Dad, Mom and Sister visiting a family relative in a hospital.While I was waiting my time to come inside our relative room (we cannot all come at once, two person per visit), I was sitting pateintly outside the room while the other room door widely open in front of me, there was a sick father in bed, a son in law, a grandson and a daughter in that room. What bug me the most was that they can't even spare 2 minutes to unglue their eyes from their gadgets to talk, hug, or tend to the sick father. 
The daughter keep looking into her tablet while sitting in a chair on the foot of her father sick bed, her son following his Mom lead, keep playing game on his Smartphone while the Dad walking in and out the room to answer his cell phone (Isn't Hospital supposed to prohibited cell phones, etc.?!). Dear God, what is wrong with you people? Have you lost your heart and brain somewhere? Hug your father, talk with him, comfort him and take care of him while you still can. What if God take him and the last thing he saw is the back of your head? And what if you are the sick person? Do you want the person you love the most think that their gadgets is more important than you?

       Please be real and love what's right, like real people not a dead thing! I don't hate gadgets just dislike the people who seem addicted to it. I admitted that we need our cell phone, Smartphone, iPod, Tablet, laptop, etc. but use it properly, wisely, don't let that piece of metal and plastic ruin and rule out your life. I know that connect with people through social media is important to strengthen your relationship or friendship especially if they live far from you or they live abroad, but do you have to ignore the people around you while you at it? Maintain your social media accounts when you alone and you got nothing better to do than sighing and breathing, but when you with family and friends, go talk and interact with them while God still give you time to live. 

       Use your precious time with precious people, kids' growth you know, your gadgets NOT! Watch them grow and play with them not your gadgets before they move out and spread their wings. Through social media you cannot see their sincerity, it's just words they type while they doing something else like eating. Here, in Indonesia we had famous case of cold blooded murder couple who post their condolences, their sadness through the victim social media account (they were friends when they were in high school), it turn out they are who killed her (Ade Sara R.I.P.) and thank God Indonesian police can closed this case pretty quickly. That's why you can trust your social media 100% because it is hard to see their sincerity. So pay attention to what's important in your life, knows your priority well and may I suggest you to give your gadgets a break and give your time to your love one? So, Lets' Forget Gadgets!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

My Bottle Up Feeling

     Wow, I can't believe that I neglecting my blog for over a year, what ashamed. There is so much to share but it seems that I can't make my fingers to tape it, or maybe it's because I don't earn money from this blog that made me reluctant to blog again? Just kidding >_< , to me money isn't everything but it's still important ha-ha...
     The truth is I feel sadden about many things that happen to me and around me, I felt I hit rock bottom, so I'm stuck, sulking, licked my wounds, try to put all the bad feeling aside and calming and amusing myself with other things beside blogging. Now, I'm all charge and reenergizing myself, I'm set to blog again... Yayyyy me ^_^.
  1. 1. Indonesian Government

       I have doubts and resentments to Indonesian Government in handling my beloved country problems, but there's always hope when the leader not afraid of changes that lead to progress, like what Macklemore and Ryan Lewis ft. Mary Lambert said in their 'Same Love' song lyrics : " Press Play, Don't Press Pause. Progress March on ... " (It was a great song with a lot of good messages).
        Dear Government of Indonesia, please don't put the veil over your eyes and don't turn your back on the cause.

        Please do what's right for your peoples especially on cases that make them suffered the most like corruptions and drugs dealer, you must NOT punish the corruptors with light punishment. 2 years of imprisonment won't make them scared? They'll do it again and again in a heartbeat with all the money that they stole that can feed their next of kin until 7 generations.
        Imagine what that money can do if there is no corruptions, it can help people's health care problems, national sanitation, put roofs and better building for children schools, replace rotten bridges that connect villages in rural areas all over the country, prvide foods for underprivileged peoples, strengthen our military equiptments so the peoples can feel safer and so on.

        Strip all the corruptors to bare, take back all the money that they stole, fined them with multiple sums of what they had stole, make them suffered as they suffered the peoples. let them root in jail so their minions won't dare to make the same mistakes like them.

    2. Movies
        Movie is one of my favorite thing for passing times beside reading, writing, and music including hang out with my friends. There were two movies that stuck out for me last year (2015), Jurassic World and and Fast and Furious 7.

    * Jurassic World
       I promised to take my two adopted nephews to watched Jurassic World, so when that movies hit the nearest theaters, I took them along with my Mom because it almost impossible for me to manage two kids under six years old alone. I love Dinosaurs since I was a kid and sometimes I daydreamed stumbled upon Dinosaurs eggs and had a wild imagination and thought it will be cool if we can live side by side with them (I know it was stupid and crazy ^_^).

        So, when Steven Spielberg made Jurassic Park movie, I feel like my dream came true and I feel ecstatic about it. I never miss out that franchise movie. I still feel the same ; I don't find it odds for me to enjoyed movie about pre historic creatures that chasing after and chewing peoples while their go, funnily I feel more excited than the nephews and my Mom when we were watching Jurassic World.

         But I was so annoyed with the female lead actress shoes, I know there were many things that impossible in Jurassic World but those high heels that she wore really hit my nerve the most. What kind of female who can run in skirts and pointy high heels through muddy jungle while chased by big bad Dinosaurs along the movie? Heck, I even can't stand properly in an hour on heels, how she managed to did that is still a mystery to me.

    * Fast and Furious 7
       Second movie that I anticipated the most last year beside Jurassic World was Fast and Furious 7. Honestly I hate franchchise movie like that (with the exception of Dinosaurs franchise of course ^_^ and also The Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, and Bourne Ultimatum, that best franchise movie ever made to me, except maybe Die Hard, the old and new one too).

        Anyway, I enjoyed The Fast and the Furious and their second one was not bad, but the third one was the turn off, until they can back on their track and the real lead actors and actresses reprised their role. Fast 6 is what I like the most before Fast 7, because there is an Indonesian actor who plays The Raid, Joe Taslim and Fast 6 had a superb story.
        The Fast and Furious 7 became more phenomenal because one of the actors, Paul Walker was dead in the tragic car accident in November 2013 (Late Paul Walker was truthful and likeable actor, may he rest in peace). 

         At the time of his dead, Walker had been filming, which was slated for release in July 2014. That's why I along with millions fan of Fast franchise movie curious and anticipated the movie, how the movie will be completed and how will Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) character ended in Fast 7.

        I loved how they completed the film by using his brothers Caleb and Cody as his body doubles / stand-ins plus CGI (I barelly noticed the difference, so thums up Fast Crews). I loved how they gave Brian O'Conner character a happy ending in Fast and Furious 7. I was glad and relieved with the ending of the movie ; they gave Paul Walker a decent farewell and the soundtrack of the movie "See You Again"from Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Putt was superb and blend perfectly with the movie, the song was touching tribute to the late Paul Walker.

    3. Terrorism
         I hate terrorism in all kind of form, detest it and wish and pray that all kind of terrorism to be vanish and destroy from every surface of the earth. Please dear God help us to stop them and banish them all, amen.

       Terrorists put terrors with bombs, guns, and other ugliest dirtiest tricks in every corner of the World, from around Middle East, Asia to Paris, Jakarta and several days ago, explosion kills at least 28 in Ankara, Turkey. Killing peoples like flies, do their lives doesn't matters to you ata all? You can NOT making Flies and Ants out of nothing, how dare you playing God by killing innocent peoples. How can you replaceall the lost lives? every life is precious and NOT yours to take! Imagine the lost life as your parents, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters or your other beloved relatives and dear friends, you do have a heart right? How would you feel? (Oh I forgot, you already eat it the half of eat and the other half, you feed it to the dogs, so you feel nothing).

        If you do have a heart (Big Fat If for you) or a brain cell even if it a tiny scrap, please... please... please... STOP every cruel, inhuman and horrendous action that you do. Have mercy of human life, even without your killing, human life already fragile, accidents, earthquakes, floods, typhons, diseases, etc. All of the above can take a human life in a heartbeat.
        During Jakarta attack, in January 2016, gave me and my family the fright because the building the terrorists attacked was my sister office and before the third bomb blast, she called my Mom and cried for help and said there were bomb everywhere and when she tried to escaped with her colleagues, there was one terrorist with a backpacked and an arm gun machine in hand ready to shoot. Thank God my sister and her colleagues are fine but at that time it gave us panic attacked. Like I said cruel to the bone is what the terrorists do, let's fights them back and stand up against them. Terrorists #KamiTidakTakut (We are Not Afraid), we fights you back until you can NOT even roll in your grave and DON'T dream of Heaven,because there is NO PLACE for peoples like you in Heaven. 

        DON'T claimed to be a Muslims while you do your hellish actions, because no Muslims will do such things, the things that so far away from Muslims peaceful ways of life, you rapes, stole, kills,and other crimes and you call that Jihad proudly and you wish to be put in heaven after you died? WAKE UP and learn about Islam properly, read the holy Qur'an 100 times to understand the real meaning. If God not put you first in HELL for eternity please read and learn about Jihad correctly (Oh I forgot, every terrorists who claimed to be Muslims are all illiterate, that's why all you do is the opposite of Muslims way of life!).
        I am a Moslem and there is NO Way I will do what those bastards do, no Muslims in their right mind would do things that contrary to what they believe in. Unless if we losing our sanity and you put chip in our brains to do that horrible things (Please God take my life before that happen and before I hurt other, amen).

    * JIHAD

       Every horrendous action committed by terrorist groups such Al-Qaeda / I.S.I.S led to a large misconception about the Islamic concept of Jihad. Instead of being associated with the virtues of patience, effort and inner strength, Jihad is being associated by acts of violence against non-Muslims or a holy war.

        The deeper meaning of Jihad, however is the opposite. The highest form of Jihad is NOT a literal war of guns and violence; it is actually an internal struggle, a war against your desires. Let's save the detail for some other time, but the truth is, Jihad is NOT about picking up a sword or gun or killing people who do not believe in the same thing you do.
        Rather, Jihad is about fighting against yourself and your own desires, it is choosing what is best for you (no matter how hard or undesireable it can be in the moment) over what you want. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said that the most difficult Jihad is fasting. Fasting is not only about abstaining from food or water; however, it is also abstaining from bad habits. So, what those terrorist do in the name of Jihad is against the essential of Jihad itself. Be Cool, DON'T be Cruel terrorists! Stop making the real Muslims suffered with other believer who put prejudice to all Muslims because of your selfish and disgusting acts by killing innocent people. STOP TERRORISM! Let's unite agaisnt TERRORISM! 

        Well, I guess that's the wrapped for my first post, after a year and a half hiatus. That some of my bottle up feeling. I hope it's as refreshing as it's useful. I encouraged you to leave your comments below. May peace be upon all of us, amen.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Special Need Children Are Special

A couple weeks back, I had a special chance having close contact and interacted, play with and teaching children under 5 years old in one of prestigious school in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia (I’m not sure, I’m allowed to mention the school name but it’s a great school with a great school programs and I’m glad I had that chance). They all are healthy, adorable, smart and beautiful children with slightly different personalities and attitudes, unique in their own way. Although it just for three days, but it was a wonderful opportunities that I can play, teach, sing and learn with all of them. 

Among the children in two classes that I was in, there is one child in every class that has special needs among nine other regular children. In the morning class, there was this boy, let’s call him Ray (not his real name) and in the afternoon class there was Dan (also not his real name). Ray is an autistic boy and he have other problem that I forget, what the name was called when one of his teacher told me and Dan is a down syndrome boy with a lot of smile on his face. I’m not an expert with special needs kids, in fact that was my first experience getting to know them, play with them, learn with them and also observed them on my own way. 

Ray is very difficult to get close with; he doesn’t like to be touch, uncomfortable when we invading his space, doesn’t like crowd and he screamed out loud if we try to take his hand and ask him to play and learn with other kids. From the conversation that I had with his teacher, Ray doesn’t live with his parents, only his grandma and the helper to assist her and his parents work in other town and only have occasional contact with him. So with Ray, it was like having one step forward and two steps backward in teaching him, always a challenge. On the other hand Dan was all smiley although sometimes a little bit shy, easy to trust new people, understand orders, he can share, play and learn with other kids in harmony although we need to teach and guide him with extra care but it’s manageable.

I saw Dan interact with his parents after school hours or before the school started, how his parents shown their tender loving care to their son and treat him wisely and patiently although they know his not normal like his other friends, they know that they have special son and he need extra care from his parents especially, sometimes helps from the peoples around him and his surroundings. Then something hit me, it was enlighten me, what made Dan more advance and easier to approach and teach than Ray although they both are special needs kids is because Dan is never lack in TLC (Tender Loving Care) department from his parents and peoples around him, unlike Ray, he only have his old, over tired grandma to turn into and sometimes his parents come and go. Unlike Ray, Dan is a happy child, he knows that he is loved and it made him confident, approachable and easier to adapt. I’m not saying that Ray parents doesn’t love him they way he should but I thought they don’t show him enough and his grandma shouldn’t have that burden all by herself in her old age.

Children are God gift to their parents. Through children, parents can get happiness, they can learns a lot more of life lessons, and although probably our children is not as perfect or healthy like others children, maybe its God ways to give the special needs children parents special points to get reward in heaven when the time comes to all of us to meet God. Because the special needs children need special and extra care from their parents and it’s not an easy task to do and God never give problems that cannot be solved by the peoples. It’s not easy to be different like Ray or Dan and more over to be their parents, lots of hard work, patience, loves and understanding to handle all things. I’m sure God will give them special guidance and assistance to through it all plus give them special place in heaven for their efforts because special needs children are truly special, more over in God eyes.

I admire and respect parents like Dan's parents, I hope most of parents in the world like them, patience, full loves and support for their children, so their children will grow to the best of their ability with their guidance. The world will be a better place to live in with lots of happy children than unhappy children with a stream of tears in their cheeks. Show your TLC to your children parents, because they need it, in fact we all need some TLC. Love your children and your children will love you unconditionally.