I'm angry, mad, totally full of rage right now but I don't know to channeled my anger without punching people but writing, so I'll punch hard through my writing! What's wrong with Indonesia really? Sometimes I don't understand my country anymore. What's going through its people mind? What make them ignorant with their surrounding and environment? Heck, they didn't even realize when a bomb maker / terrorist rent a house nearby! What make them neglecting their children and choosing their television or gadgets than paying attention to what's matters in their life. It's alright if it just affect their own life, uncool but hey that's your life but if it's affecting a lot of people life, don't you think you must do something about it before 'the picture perfect' getting uglier by the day?!!
What the hell are you doing parents?! Why you didn't realize your children are the victims of child sexual predator? And the more ironic in this heartbreking, gut wrenching and hairs tearing story is, the offender is still a teenager, no more than 14 years old! The victims are more than ten children and the numbers still can go up. Most cases like this, the victims numbers are just the tip of an iceberg. This horrifying case happens in Garut, West Java of Indonesia. Again, I want to ask you parents and adults especially who live nearby the area, what were you doing all that time? There was more than one victims admitted that they been victimized at least 7 times! Why you not know this? How come you failed to see the signs in your own child?! (this question is for both parents of the victims and the offender).
There must be some changes in your children behaviour, sometimes they become more timid, more quiet, afraid to play outside the house, scared when somebody touch them, etc. Ok, let's say that I'm too harsh and I don't know anything about raising children because I don't have one yet and let's say both parents busy at work so they must hired a full time nanny, but you do have contact with your children on daily basis right?! (Shamed on you if you not!). If you do and pay attention you'll see the signs. The victims are just elementary students under 10 years old for God Sake; they even didn't understand the meaning of sexually molested!
The case became known because one of the victims asked his mom about the meaning of terms 'sexually molested' that the infotainment host mention on TV about one of Indonesian celebrity (Did the parents get extra credit for paying attention to celebrity gossips than their own child?!) and after his mom explained it, he told her that somebody did those things to him too. Sadly, after the police investigated, it turn out the victim is not just one but a lot and the offender too still a minor, a 14 years old boy.
Parents and adults, I know I'm being harsh but what those children going through is harsher, they are terrified, traumatized, fearful and we all are supposed to care for them and protect them and we failed them. Please...please...please... STOP being ignorant. Look for the signs! Don't be silent, speak for them, you can make a difference. Empower your children and educate them on the dangers of sexual predators. Tell them the different of a good touch and a bad touch, tell them about what was right and what was wrong and so on. Every child has the right to be educated and protected against all forms of violence! People ask, "How can a person abuse a child?" and we should ask, "How can so many 'GOOD' people NOT do anything about it?" ___.